(FKS01-ŠK) Presentation Naškolu = Naš Školj in Famlje

Monday 23.02.15, Famlje We presented once again Školj castle reconstruction (previously presented in Fakulteta za gradbeništvo - Univerza v Mariboru) in Famlje, Divača. Park Škocjanske Jame and TKŠD Urbanščica invited Projekt Feniks to present the results of almost four years of research. After a long time of visiting its ruins, people from Famlje and other surrounding villages saw how Školj castle really was. After the presentation almost everyone came and thanked Feniks for such an amazing job, many of them asked me about Školj and its history, many of them also shared their experience while visiting the castle or give us more important data. Personally it was amazing to show them their castle as they have never see it before and to teach them about the importance of protecting and recovering its ruins. cfa (1) cfa (13)  cfa (4) cfa (5)  cfa (7) cfa (8) cfa (9)  cfa (11) cfa (12) cfa (2)  cfa (3) cfa (6)  
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