Entries by JuanMaschio

Interview for Radio 94 about Castle Orehek

In this occasion, we talked with Maruša Mele Pavlin for Radio 94 about Orehek Castle and its critical conditions. We talked about cultural heritage, its meaning and why it is important for the country and for each citizen. Also we did a comparison of the current bad situation of Slovenia's heritage and the differences with […]

Presentation of FKS10/ŠT Šteberk Castle in Cerknica

Presentation of FKS10/ŠT Šteberk Castle in Cerknica After a long and hard work, I have presented the reconstruction of Šteberk Castle. I am very happy not only because of the results of my research, but very happy because many people attended to the event and they were extremely surprised to see their castle as it […]

Interview for Domovina news

On the following link you can read the interview with Tomaž Kavčič for Domovina news. Najlepša hvala Tomaž for this great interview!   Link Juan Pablo Maschio, obujevalec gradov: Slovenci potrebujemo precej več ljubezni do svoje kulturne dediščine

Deseti Ravbarjev večer

Speech about Haasberg Palace at Deseti Ravbarjev večer I had the privilege to be amog very special people at the 10th Ravbar's night in Planina. On this event I spoke about the importance of Haasberg palace for Planina, about the importance of the union and friendship between the local people in Planina. It was a […]